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Old 09-08-2018, 12:22 PM   #1
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Post Ashley's Game

Chapter 1

The last weekend of their summer vacation had finally arrived, and Ashley had invited Lucy and two of their closest friends over for the whole weekend for a last get together before they all went away to different colleges.


Lucy gave her mom a quick hug before jumping out of the car and sprinted through the heavy rain towards Ashley’s door and rang the bell.

She could hear the bell from inside, quickly followed by footsteps sprinting towards the door. Then the door opened and Ashley stood there with the biggest smile on her face. “Lucy!”

“Hey Ash!” Lucy replied back. “Care to let me in? I’m getting soaked out here.” She held the coat up over her head to cover herself.

“Oh yeah, sorry. Come on in.”

“Has Josh or Luke arrived yet?” Lucy asked as she shook her coat to get most of the water off before hanging it up on the coat rack.

“Nah, you’re the first to arrive. And... well don’t hate me, but i may not have been completely honest with all of you about my intentions tonight.”

“Oh? How come?”

“I’ll explain when everyone’s here.” Ashley left it at that.


It didn’t take more than a couple of minutes before the two boys arrived together and Ashley rushed to the door to let them in. Lucy could hear them complain about the rain all the way from the hallway before they came into the living room where she was sitting.

“Hey Lucy!” Josh said as he came in, Luke followed after him and held up his hand as if he was waving at her.

“Hey guys. Did Ash say anything to you guys about what she has planned for us yet?”

“She didn't say anything, no.” Josh answered back, before looking at Ashley for an answer.

“Eh... just take a seat for a moment, i’ll be right back with some drinks and i’ll explain everything.”

Once Ashley got back in the living room, the rest of them had already gotten comfortable around the table, waiting silently for her return. “So, whats the big secret Ash?” Lucy asked again, curious as to what Ashley was planning.

“Okay, how do i say this.” Ashley paused for a few seconds. “Remember back when we were twelve, and went on that school trip and played truth or dare? Well i think that weekend brought us so much closer as friends when we shared all those stupid secrets and funny moments with each other. So for this weekend, i sorta wanna do that again. Just... with a few changes here and there since we are a bit older now.”

They all stayed quiet, as none of them knew what Ashley was trying to say before Luke broke the silence. “What kind of changes exactly?”

“You know...” Ashley started before Lucy stood back up and dragged Ashley with her out of the living room. She had a feeling about what Ashley had in mind and figured it was best to get out of it before the boys caught up on it as well.

“Ash, what are you thinking?” Ashley’s face had turned completely red. “I know things like that might sound fun when you read about it on some website or watch some sort of videos online or whatever. But what you are suggesting could flip our entire friendships upside down.”

“Don’t you think i’ve thought about that a thousand times!?” Ashley almost yelled out. “But don’t you feel like we are close enough friends with each other to do anything we want? I mean, it’s the last time we’ll see each other for a while, and... i just wanted to make this weekend more special.”

Lucy sighed. Before making sure she spoke in a low enough voice for the boys not to hear them. “I’ve known you for a long time, and i know what kind of kinky stuff you are into. But applying that to our group of friends is taking it to another level. Like that time that you asked me to join some sort of webcam thing with you? I mean, i’d do pretty much anything for you Ash, but that is not exactly me.”

“Well you don’t know until you’ve tried...” Ashley mumbled back.

Lucy ignored that last part. “Right listen, i know you kinda have a thing for Luke, but couldn’t you two just get together privately instead? Why drag us all into it? I mean, you know Josh has never even been with a girl before right? He’d probably be so embarrassed if he’d have to strip in front of us if it’d go that far. I know i’d be embarrassed as hell, and i’m pretty confident with myself. The fact that we are close friends doesn’t really change that.”

“That’s not it at all!” Ashley shouted back, so Lucy had to signal for her to keep her voice down. “Yes i like Luke, but this was meant for all of us to have a strong memory with each other. I remember that camping trip i told you about better than anything else we’ve ever done, and i just thought that this was something that could make us even closer friends.”

"Hey Ash! We’re in for whatever this is!” Luke shouted from the living room, sounding almost too excited. The boys had apparently had a chat between themselves.

Ashley just stared back at Lucy with slightly teary eyes and a tiny smile on her face.

“Fine...” Lucy sighed back. “If everyone else is in, i guess there's no stopping this, i don’t wanna be a downer and ruin the party. Okay, let’s go back inside before they get any more ideas between themselves.”

"Thank you!" Ashley grabbed Lucy in for a hug before dragging her back with her to the living room.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-09-2018, 03:28 AM   #2
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Chapter 2

Once everyone had taken their seat around the living room table. Ashley went on to start the explanation.

"So... i guess everyone is sort of at an understanding of what this game is to a certain extent right?" Ashley looked over their faces as she spoke to make sure everyone was in agreement. "Alright then. I've come up with a few base rules, but if you think of anything we could add, please feel free to speak up."

"Think we'll just hear what you got first." Luke replied.

"Okay. I wrote them down on this piece of paper." Ashley said and handed everyone a page with the rules.


1: Everyone starts with the same amount of clothes (5). You must tell everyone what you have before the game starts.
2: Before every round we draw from two jars.
2a: First jar decides if you have to remove clothes or not. It will be filled with 20 cards saying no strip. 50 cards saying strip 1 item. And finally 1 card saying strip all if you are very unlucky. Obviously if you lose everything, you wont have to draw from this again.
2b: Second jar we fill with two truth or dare notes from each player with their names on it. Meaning if you draw a truth note that has another players name, that player will give you a truth question. Should you however draw your own name one round, you get a free pass.
3: Dare's can involve others, but only if the choice is randomly picked or the other player is already naked.
4: If you fail/refuse a dare, you will get a punishment you must do after the game, sometime during the rest of the weekend. We’ll gather these up as we play if someone gets one or more. And then we’ll figure out the rest later.
5: Once we start, we won't stop until everyone agrees that the next round will be the last and final round.


"Does that seem fair to everyone?" Ashley asked, with a nervous voice. She was so close to having her dream weekend come true with her closest friends, but actually sharing her plans had started to make her nervous as to whether or not they would actually go for it. “If you feel uncomfortable or anything just say so now, i won’t force any of you into this and i won’t be mad if you don’t want to. You’re my best friends after all.”

They all looked at each other to see if anyone had any objections, but everyone seemed to agree on the rules.

Ashley’s face lit up. “Awesome, i’ll get the jars so that we can get ready. While you wait, you guys might as well make sure your have the right amount of clothes on. Just go to the bathroom if you want some privacy.”

Ashley returned almost as soon as she left and sat down again. “Right here’s the jar with the notes i’ve made. 20 of which is blank, 50 that makes you lose one item, and finally one that makes you lose everything you have on you. And this other one contains the truth or dare notes. Okay then, why don’t we get right into it and all say what clothes we are starting with?”

They all looked at each other again nervously, but Ashley quickly took over again. “Okay sorry, since it’s my idea i’ll go first and we’ll go clockwise. Okay?”

“Sure.” Lucy replied.

“Right then i’m wearing my socks, panties, bra, t-shirt and pants. Lucy you’re next.”

“Okay, so i have socks, panties, bra, a skirt and this tank top. Luke?”

“Well i got my socks, boxers, jeans, t-shirt and this hoodie.”

And finally it was Josh’s turn. “I’m the same as Luke, except for the hoodie i have my jacket. Only brought four proper pieces, but since my jacket is wet from the rain, i'll just leave it off and i'll use it as my first piece if i need to.

“That's fine.” Ashley said. “I guess it’s finally time to start.”
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-09-2018, 02:53 PM   #3
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Chapter 3

“I’ll go first then since this was all my idea.” Ashley said as she drew the first notes from the jars. “Strip one item, and a truth from Luke. Interesting, So Luke. What’s gonna be the first truth for the night?”

Luke seemed hesitant to ask his question, but Lucy and Josh pushed him on. “Right... so... have you ever thought of anyone in this room while masturbating?”

Ashley stood up and removed her pants before answering the truth to most of the others surprise, revealing her white panties barely visible under the edge of her t-shirt.

“And yes, i have masturbated to someone in this room.” Ashley said before sitting back down. “Figured i’d remove something more daring than the socks early to get this going right?” The others seemed to appreciate her gesture.

“Mind letting us know who?” Lucy said with a big grin on her face, knowing all too well who Ash would’ve masturbated to. But Ashley ignored her request as she had already answered the question given to her. “Fine, i’ll go next then.”
Lucy put her hands down the jars. “Strip one item, and a dare... from Josh.” She looked up at Josh and made a sad face. “Please be nice to me Josh.”

Josh just laughed as he saw her face. “Fine i’ll be nice since it’s the first dare. Alright, this will be your dare then. Since you have to strip an item, choose a random person here to decide what you have to remove, and then he or she will remove it for you.”

“Alright just give me a sec.” Lucy grabbed her phone and downloaded a random generator app. “I’ll just put your names in here and let it choose for us. We can use it in later rounds as well if we need.” They watched it spin until it finally stopped on Luke. “Seems like you get to do the honor Luke.”

“In fear of you taking revenge on me later i’ll be nice to you this time and go with the boring option. So just lift your feet up to me under the table and i can remove your socks for you. No need to stand up.” As it was a glass table and everyone could see through, Lucy made sure to keep her legs closed so that he couldn’t see up her skirt as she lifted her legs. He pulled off her socks and threw them to the side. “I’m next then i guess.” Luke put his hands in the jars and read his notes. “Strip one item, and a truth from myself.”

“So you get the first free pass then.” Ashley said. “Though you still have to remove something.

“I’ll follow Lucy and take my socks off.” he took them off and threw them away. “Josh, you’re next.”

Josh then drew his notes. “Strip one item and a dare from myself.” He seemed happy with that result. “Well since i already had my jacket off i guess it’s your turn again Ashley.”

“Time for round two then.” Ashley announced and put her hands in the jars.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-09-2018, 10:12 PM   #4
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a good story, keep on writing
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Old 09-10-2018, 10:10 AM   #5
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Chapter 4

Ashley read her notes out loud “Strip one item, and a truth from Josh.” She lifted her legs up and pulled her socks off and placed them on the floor next to her. “So, whats my truth this time Josh?”

Josh had to think for a second before coming up with a question. “Ash. What is your favorite pokemon?” Just as he finished asking he couldn’t keep his face straight anymore and burst out laughing.

“Appears the Ash joke never gets old huh?” Ashley sighed after hearing that ancient inside joke. “Well since you wanted to waste your chance to get something interesting out of me with this question, i’ll be happy to answer it. My favorite pokemon is Snorlax.”

“Really? Why?” Josh asked back.

“Well, because he looks so fluffy, and if i was stuck anywhere in the world i could use him as a comfy bed.”

“Fair enough.” Josh looked over to Lucy. “Your turn.”

Lucy dipped her hands into the jars. “Right then, let’s see what’s in store for me. Strip one item, and a dare from myself.” She seemed happy with the result until she actually stood up to remove something. Almost anything she removed would reveal a lot at this point. To almost everyone’s surprise she pulled her hands under her skirt carefully and slipped out of her panties and quickly tossed them to the side and sat back down, keeping her legs tightly together. She looked at the others only to find them all staring at her, and she couldn’t do anything but ask.”What?”

“I gotta say, didn’t expect that, but actually not a bad idea as i can’t see anything more than before you did that.” Ashley said. “Just keep those legs of yours shut or Luke will see straight up your skirt... Speaking of Luke, your turn dude.”

“Right.” He seemed a bit embarrassed after that last comment and just put his hands into the jars. “Strip one item, and truth from myself.” Luke pulled his hoodie off over his head and looked to Josh. “Your turn.”

“This is going a lot faster than i expected since we keep drawing our own names.” He pulled up the notes and read them. “Sweet! No need to remove anything and a truth from Lucy.”

“Okay, since you didn’t have to strip anything i’ll ask you a harder question. What’s the weirdest porn video you’ve ever masturbated to?”

“Uhhh... I...” He paused for a bit looking at the others, who were all waiting for his reply.

“Come on man, we’re all in this game. No secrets, and whatever you say will never leave this room.” Ashley said, trying to push him for an answer.

“Fine. The weirdest porn i’ve ever jerked off to was a video where these really old dudes were taking a piss on this girl who was probably 18 or so, while she kept rubbing it all over herself and drinking it at the same time.”

They all just stared at him with nobody saying anything.

Completely red in the face Josh started defending himself. “Well it’s not like anything i usually watch, i’m sure you’ve got some shady ones yourself to share if you get that question. Anyway, just start the next round please Ash.”
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-10-2018, 10:25 AM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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very nice story. can't wait for more please continue
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
Limits: small anal, shallowing myself, public, friends
NO - NOs : illegal, family, pain, poop, pee, perment damage, death
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Old 09-10-2018, 06:03 PM   #7
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Chapter 5

"Seems like i don’t have the same luck as you guys.” Ashley said as she read her next notes. “Strip one item, and a dare from Luke.” She sighed before asking. “So Luke, what’s my dare?”

“I’ll be boring and copy Josh’s earlier dare. Make a random person in here choose what you will lose and take it off for you.” He looked to Lucy for her to start her app.

“Already on it.” Lucy already sat with her phone in hand and had written down her own name and the two boys names in the app. Okay, the lucky person who gets to choose what to strip from Ash is... Josh! Get to it you two.”

The two of them stood face to face next to the table.

“Right put your hands up please.” Josh asked.

Ashley complied and was happy with his choice of seemingly removing her t-shirt, but to her surprise he knelt down and placed his hands on each side of her panties and quickly pulled them down. And due to her holding her arms up, which made her shirt rise up at the same time. Josh got a clear view straight at her most private parts.

“Wow. Fully shaved and everything.” Josh said to himself as he looked at her for what felt like an eternity for him. Although in reality Ashley was quick to pull the edge of her t-shirt further down to cover herself again.

“What the fuck!” She said angrily, but realizing that she was unreasonably angry she went back on her word right after. “Sorry, didn’t mean to snap. But didn’t expect you to trick me like that.” She sat back down and made sure to cross her legs to cover herself.

“Aww look at Josh, so happy after seeing his first real pussy.” Luke poked at his side as he sat back down all embarrassed.”

“Alright let’s all calm down. I’m up next then.” Lucy said and fished up her next notes from the jars. “Let’s see... Strip one item, and a truth from me. So seems like i kinda luck out again, except from the stripping part.” Lucy quickly pulled her tank top off trying not to make any big deal out of it, revealing a black bra underneath covering up her fairly small boobs. She quickly caught them all looking at her intensely. “You can at least try to make the staring less obvious guys. You’re next Luke.”

“Alright, wish me luck.” He drew from the jars and read out loud. “No need to remove anything and a dare from Josh.”

Josh had to think for a little bit before coming up with one. “Okay. It’s kinda hard to make interesting dares this early so... next time you have to remove something, have Lucy’s app decide what to remove.”

“Fair enough.” Luke seemed happy with that. “You’re next then Josh.”

Josh drew his notes and read them with a smile on his face. “No need to strip anything and a dare from Luke.”

“What the fuck.” Ashley seemed annoyed by the luck the boys currently had.

Luke just laughed at that comment. “Remember Ash, you made these rules.”

“I know, i know. It’s just that i didn’t think it would go like this.”

“So Josh, my dare to you goes like this. Since you were lucky enough to get a good look at Ashley, i think it’s only fair that she should be able to see you the same way. So the two of you can leave the room and you have to let her see your dick for ten seconds.”

“Hah, sweet revenge! Let’s go Josh.” Ashley stood up while making sure she held her t-shirt down to cover herself as she walked out of the room.

Josh looked back at Lucy and Luke nervously before heading out after Ashley. He turned the corner in the hallway and was met by Ashley who stood waiting. “So...”

“Sooo. whip it out already.” Ashley was enjoying this new turn of events.

“Okay, but promise not to laugh.” Josh nervously unbuttoned his pants and took a grip around his pants and boxers and slowly pulled them down, revealing his already rock hard cock to Ashley. It kept bouncing up and down as she leaned in for a closer look.

“It’s actually quite big Josh.” She said with a low voice. “Too much pubes though, we're gonna have to do something about that later. And... wow, you even have some pre cum coming out already, you must really have anjoyed the view you got of me huh.”

Josh didn’t respond to that and just kept avoiding eye contact with her. “Right, ten seconds have passed.” He said and pulled his pants back up.

They headed back in and Ashley gave a thumps up to Luke for the good dare. Josh sat back down without saying a word.

“Right back to me again then for the fourth round.” Ashley gave a wink back to Josh, who's face was still burning from embarrassement before she saw what she got this time.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-12-2018, 06:04 AM   #8
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Chapter 6

“Finally the game is going my way it seems.” Ashley laughed. “No need to strip anything, and a dare from myself. Sooo... Lucy, your turn.”

Lucy laughed to herself as well as she read her next notes. “Ready for this? No need to strip anything, and surprise surprise. A dare from myself.” She reached her hand out to give Ashley a high-five. “Luke, your turn.”

“Let’s see if you used up all of our luck this round...” Luke sighed as he drew from the jars. “Strip one item, and a truth from Ashley... Yup, seems like you did. So, what do you wanna know Ash?”

“Let’s see... Since Josh so nicely explained what the weirdest porn he ever watched was, i was curious to what yours is?”

“Right, so this is kinda awkward, but since Josh shared his i’ll do the same.”

“Well you kinda have to unless you want a punishment.” Josh added.

“Yeah, yeah i know. Okay, here goes.” Luke started. “So, it was late at night and i was, you know, browsing through some videos of different kinds. Then this one video had a thumbnail that peaked my interest. It was a picture of this girl in a nurse costume having her arm quite far inside this other girls ass. And the weirdest part was that, in the video, you could see her stomach move slightly from the other girls hand being inside of her.”

“Oh my god that sounds fucking painful!” Ashley shouted. “How would anyone enjoy that?”

“It was quite insane, and it forever haunts me to this day.” Luke said with an awkward grin on his face.

“How...” Ashley started to ask.” No never mind, i’d rather leave it at that. Okay, since your last dare was for Lucy to roll what you have to strip. Let’s see what Lucy’s app choose for you.”

“On it.” Lucy took her phone up again and typed in his remaining clothes. “Let’s see. Boxers, jeans and t-shirt.” She started the app and waited for it to stop. “Jeans! Is what you have to remove.”

“Okay.” Luke stood up and pulled his jeans off.

“Still soft?” Ashley asked after studying his boxers. “Thought you’d get turned on by talking about that video of yours.”

Luke laughed. “That video is my most shameful wank ever. I’d rather leave it behind and try to never think about it again.”

“Fair enough.” Ashley said and looked at Josh. “Your turn.”

“Okay, let’s see.” He rubbed his hands together for some extra luck. “Phew! No need to strip anything and a truth from Lucy.”

“You’re so fucking lucky. You’ve only lost what? One item?” Ashley asked.

“Yeah...” Josh said with a big smile on his face.

“Well here’s your truth then. Have you ever tasted your own cum?” Lucy asked.

Everyone got quiet and turned their attention towards Josh, who hesitated for a few seconds before answering. “I uh... I have yes, once. I did not enjoy it though.”

“Nice Josh.” Ashley said. “I think every man who ever expects a girl to taste his cum should taste his own at some point. Don’t you agree Luke?”

Luke just shrugged the question away, not giving an answer.

“I think they should, and i’m glad to hear you have done your part Josh.” Lucy said in agreement. “Well then. Go ahead Ash, time for the next round.”
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-12-2018, 06:13 AM   #9
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Go ahead Luffy, time for the next round.

I enjoy this story
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Old 09-13-2018, 06:48 AM   #10
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Chapter 7

“Shit.” Ashley started as she read her notes. “Strip one item, and a truth from myself.”

“Well you ain’t got much left.” Lucy said nudging her elbow into Ashley’s side.

Ashley released a sigh as she stood up, still making sure her t-shirt covered her lower half. She then pulled her arms inside of her shirt and fiddled around until she dropped her bra on the floor beneath her. It was easy to see the difference in size between the two girls, while Lucy had her firm small ones still neatly tucked inside her bra. Ashley’s much larger ones moved around under her shirt with the slightest movement of her body. “You’re next Lucy.”

Lucy closed her eyes as she drew, before slowly opening one eye to read her first note. “Noooo!... Strip one item, and...” She slowly looked at the other note. “And a truth from Josh.”

“While you figure out what you wanna take off, here’s my truth.” Josh started. “So... Have you ever tried to put anything up your butt?”

Lucy looked over at Ashley, this was clearly something she had never shared with her. “Yes... I have.”

“Really? What did you use?” Ashley asked back at her.

“Hey this was a one part question right?” Lucy answered, her face slowly turning more red from embarrassment. “Anyway, let’s get this over with. Enjoy the view...” Lucy loosened her bra and threw it to the side, quickly letting everyone see her tiny firm breasts for a few seconds before placing her arm across her chest to cover them back up.

“Nice.” Luke said with a loud whisper. Apparently without realizing it himself as he got all embarrassed once she looked back at him with a awkward smile.

“I don’t think we should get to cover up though.“ Josh said carefully.

“Easy for you to say.” Lucy answered back. “You still have almost everything on you.”

“What about this then.” Ashley interrupted. “Once you are fully naked, you can’t intentionally cover yourself up. Does that work for everyone?”

“I suppose...” Lucy answered, keeping a tight hold around her chest with her arm. “Let’s move on then. Luke you’re up.”

“Strip one item, and a truth from myself.” Luke announced. He then took the t-shirt off over his head and threw it behind him, revealing his slim and firm, but not very muscular upper body to the others.

“So wanna release the little worm soon?” Ashley asked pointing at his boxers. “Seems like it wants to come out now that Lucy showed you her tits.”

Luke looked down and covered himself quickly with his hand.

“My turn then.” Josh whirled his hands around in the jars before picking up his notes. “No need to strip anything! And a dare from Lucy.” He seemed happy with his result.

“We’re all left with one item each and you’re still with four... Guess i’m gonna have to be a bit hard on you then for it to feel even.” Lucy had an evil look on her face as she thought of a dare. “Josh! I dare you to have one of us put a hand down your pants and jerk you off for thirty seconds.”

Everyone seemed surprised by that one. Josh just sat there with wide eyes, not believing what he was hearing.

“Right, let’s see who my app chooses.” Lucy watched closely as her app did it’s thing. “And the lucky winner is... Ashley!”

Ashley and Josh just stared awkwardly at each other.

“Well, get on with it then. I’ll start the timer when her hand is in your pants.” Lucy said firmly.

Ashley and Josh stood up and went to the side of the table before Ashley walked up behind him. She Put her arms around him from behind and used one hand to hold his pants out to get room for her other hand, before slowly sliding it down his pants and took a firm grip around his already hard cock.

“Alright, i’m holding it.” Ashley announced. While simultaneously pressing her chest into his back. “You ready?” She whispered to him in his ear.

“How does it feel?” Lucy asked.

“Just start the timer already!” Josh said quickly, trying his best to focus on not cumming.

“Fine. 3... 2... 1... Start!” Lucy announced.

Ashley started moving her hand slowly as there wasn’t much space to move around in. Placing her thumb on the tip of his cock she could already feel his pre cum leaking. “Damn Josh! You gotta be on the edge already from the way your dripping.” Ashley laughed.

Josh just stood there breathing heavily with his eyes closed.

Ashley increased her speed as much as she could and she could feel Josh struggling to stand still as she kept going, but just as she thought she’d make him cum, she got interrupted.

“Alright! Time’s up!” Lucy announced.

Ashley pulled her hand out of his pants and Josh just stood there for a few seconds catching his breath, before slowly getting back to his seat.

“How close were you?” Ashley asked with a big grin on her face.

“Too close.” Josh said, still trying to calm down.

“Well, my turn again then.” Ashley said. “Moment of truth.” She put her hands down in the jars and drew her next notes that would determine if she would be the first completely naked player or not.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-16-2018, 04:20 AM   #11
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Chapter 8

“Fuuuuck!” Ashley said with horror in her eyes as she saw her notes. “Strip one item... and a dare from Josh. Literally the worst outcome i could’ve gotten this turn...”

“Looks like we have our first naked person, fitting for it to be the host of the game i guess.” Lucy said.

“Yeah, yeah... Kind of regretting this right now to be honest...” Ashley answered, turning her attention towards Josh. “Any chance i can hear the dare i gotta do before i take my shirt off?”

Josh didn’t seem to need to think for very long, the last dare had him on the edge and he appeared to be wanting more. “Sure Ash. I dare you to lay down naked on the table, and let one of us inspect you however we want for thirty seconds.”

“Good to see someone other than me give hard dares as well.” Lucy said smiling at Josh. “Hope i win.”

Ashley sighed as she stood up. Everyone was eyeing her as she gathered the courage to remove her shirt, slowly taking a few deep breaths. “I’m starting to regret this now. Well, here goes... Enjoy the view i guess.” Ashley grabbed the edge of her shirt and pulled it over her head, revealing her large breasts and freshly shaved pussy to the others. “So... who will be doing the dare to me then?”

“Already rolling.” Lucy looked intensely at her phone. “The one who gets to inspect you is... Luke! Congrats dude.”

Ashley slowly sat down at the table and closed her eyes before laying down in front of the others. “Alright, let’s get this over with then.”

Both Josh and Lucy seemed disappointed as Luke got up with a big smile on his face. He moved over to the side of Ashley and looked down at her, admiring the view in front of him.

“Luke, your thirty seconds start now.” Lucy said.

Luke went over to the edge of the table and sat down on his knees. He took his hands and spread her legs to the side and moved closer for a better view at her pussy.

Ashley covered her face in embarrassment as her legs got spread. Knowing the guy she had a crush on was looking directly at her most private area.

Luke gently placed his fingers to each side of her slit and spread her pussy open, before gently blowing some air at her to tease her. As she felt the cold air hit her she immediately tried to close her legs, but Luke quickly moved his hands back to her thighs and kept them spread. “Holy shit you’re soaking wet.” Luke announced as he checked her out. Luke was just about to take a sample with his finger as Lucy announced that his time was up. “Already?” He asked disappointed.

“Thirty seconds is not a lot of time dude.” Lucy answered.

Ashley quickly got up and got back to her chair and instinctively covered her chest up and crossed her legs.

“Remember Ash, no covering up once your naked.” Luke said as he caught her doing it.

“Fine.” Ashley answered and removed her hand and uncrossed her legs, but still kept them close together to avoid them staring too much through the glass table. “Lucy, your turn. Please don’t let me be alone like this for too long.”

“Damn... seems like you get it your way.” Lucy said as she read her notes. “Strip one item, and a dare from myself.”

“At least you don’t need to do a dare.” Ashley said, seemingly annoyed that Lucy got away with that.

“Yeah i guess...” Lucy then stood up and placed her hands on her hip and paused for a second. All of the others eyes were on her as she was about to pull her skirt down. She just went for it and quickly pulled it down. Revealing her tiny shaved pussy to everyone. “Enjoy the view! Now, let's move on.” She said and sat back down quickly. “Your turn to get naked Luke.”

The reality of that fact quickly hit Luke, and he suddenly seemed more nervous as he put his hands in to draw his notes. “Moment of truth...”
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-16-2018, 12:48 PM   #12
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Awsome story please countune
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Old 09-19-2018, 03:04 PM   #13
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Chapter 9

“NOOO!” Luke shouted as he read his notes. “Strip one item, and a truth from Lucy.” He rolled his eyes and leaned back, releasing a sigh. “Well, guess it had to happen sooner or later. Can i at least have the truth question first Lucy?” He asked.

“Fine.” Lucy said and came up with a question for him. “I’ll borrow Josh’s question from earlier. Have you ever put anything up your butt?”

Luke hesitated for a bit before answering. “I kinda have.”

“What do you mean by kinda?” Lucy pushed him, hoping he would elaborate.

“I tried it with a carrot once. Just a tiny one to see what it felt like, because i didn't want to stick my finger in and i had heard that some guys like to have a finger up there when they jerk off or something.”

“Thanks for sharing dude, you didn’t really have to specify more than your yes or no answer, but we gladly take the extra info.”

“Whatever.” Luke said, realizing his mistake but trying not to show that he cared. He then stood up and quickly pulled his boxers down, revealing his currently limp cock, around it you could see that he had trimmed his pubes so that there was barely any hair there.

“Aww. I’d hoped to see you in your full glory!” Lucy said with a big grin on her face.

Luke just tried his best not to get it on his mind and focus on staying calm. “Josh your turn.”

“Let’s see.” Josh read his notes. “Strip one item and a truth from Ashley.” He pulled his socks off and threw them to the side, much to the others frustration, seeing how much he still had left on him, while the others were now naked.

“Your question is...” Ashley said as she tried to come up with a good one. “What kind of porn turns you on the most?”

Josh seemed hesitant to reveal his answer. “I guess it would have to be videos of tiny girls getting fucked by people with big dicks.” He looked around nervously to see what they thought of his answer.

“Really?” Luke replied jokingly. “Trying to compensate for something?”

“Well. He actually does have a pretty big one to be fair.” Ashley jumped in to his rescue. Which also seemed to shut Luke down pretty quick.

Josh appreciated Ashley defending him, but he still felt sort of inferior to Luke. Seeing how Luke had managed to keep himself calm while the two girls sat across them naked surprised him, and he kept worrying about how he himself would be once it was his turn to get naked in front of the others. In one way, this was a dream come true for him, seeing not only a girl naked in real life for the first time, but two of his closest friends. But at the same time a nightmare, due to the constant thought of doing something stupid or embarrassing in front of the others.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-20-2018, 10:39 AM   #14
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Chapter 10

“My turn again then.” Ashley said. And since she was naked now, she only had to draw from the truth or dare jar. “It’s a dare from Lucy.”

Lucy’s face lit up. “Oh my, oh my. What will i have you do this time?” She pretended to have to think for a bit, but it was one she had been waiting to use for a few rounds. “Since you are the host of this game, i think it’s only fair that you are the one doing this. So my dare for you is to order us some pizzas...”

“That’s is?” Luke interrupted. “Well i guess i am getting kinda hungry.”

“Let me finish please.” Lucy was barely able to keep a straight face. “Once the delivery guy comes, you have to open the door just as you are now, completely naked, and offer to pay him with a blow job. If he refuses that’s fine.”

The two boys was surprised by the dare and just waited for Ashley’s response.

“I... don’t... i’m not sure i can do that.” Ashley seemed to have been taken completely off guard.

“Why not? I think it’s completely within the games rules.” She looked over to the two boys who just nodded back with approval. “Would you rather take a punishment?”

Ashley let out a deep sigh. “Fine. I doubt they’ll go for anything but money anyway...” She got her phone and started calling for some pizzas. “What if a girl delivers instead of a boy?”

“I didn’t think about that, but i guess you can ask her the same, to eat her out as a payment. Maybe she’s into that you know?” Lucy replied.

Ashley seemed slightly annoyed being taken off guard like this, but finished ordering the pizzas. “Right, the pizza’s should be here in around thirty minutes, so we can at least continue this while we wait. Your turn Lucy.”

Lucy was relieved as she read what she got. “Truth from Ashley.” After just having given a big dare to Ashley, she would now get a tiny payback straight away, but a truth was way better than a dare.

“Let’s see...” Ashley had to think for a bit. This one had to be good to get back at Lucy. “Describe the weirdest sexual fantasy you may have had once or still have in your head.”

“I guess i kinda deserved that question.” Lucy said and took a deep breath before answering. “The weirdest fantasy i have had, or at least one i can think of now is...” She looked at the others, all of them seemed eager to hear her answer. “I can’t believe i’m saying this to all of you... It would have to be one where i am locked up in some room, blindfolded and naked while strapped to a bed. Then someone else is pretty much doing whatever they want with me that i have no control over. Not that i actually want that to happen or anything, but its a fantasy that has crossed my mind from time to time.”

“Oooh, that’s one heck of a fantasy.” Ashley seemed to like her answer. “Looks like Luke is enjoying the thought of that fantasy. About time we got to see that thing of yours grow up.”

Lost in his own thoughts, Luke didn’t realize that his cock had gotten hard while listening to Lucy’s fantasy and playing it out in his mind, and it was now on full display to everyone. Trying to ignore Ashley’s remarks, he went ahead and started his turn. “Whatever, it’s just a boner.” But it went from bad to worse as he read his note. “And i got a dare... from Ashley.”

Ashley clapped her hands together. “I’m on a roll now after the dare you gave me Lucy! Alright, here goes. Your dare, Luke, is to have a random person here jerk you off for thirty seconds. This might sound as if it’s just a good thing for you but here’s the catch. If you accidentally cum early, you have to go outside in the rain and clean yourself off and wait for your cock to get soft again.”

Everyone was speechless after hearing her dare until Luke himself broke the silence. “But, it’s kinda cold outside, i could get sick. And what if the neighbours see me?” He tried to come up with some excuses. "They could call the police on us or something if they see a naked guy creeping outside."

“Easy, just don’t cum then.” Ashley said firmly. “I’m sure you can last thirty seconds, right?”

Luke didn’t reply to that comment. “Fine, a dare’s a dare i Guess...”

“Would you mind rolling your app Lucy? Let’s see who is gonna try to make this guy cum.” Ashley asked.

“On it.” She answered.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-22-2018, 04:33 PM   #15
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Chapter 11

Lucy hesitated for a second as the app stopped. “The one who it gonna jerk Luke off is... me.”

Both Lucy and Luke just stared at each other from their own seats awkwardly, none of them wanted to make the first move.

“Come on already.” Ashley had to give them a push. “Luke you can lay down on the table like i did earlier. Then once you are ready Lucy can start. Okay?”

“Okay.” Luke said carefully. He stood up and walked to the edge of the table and sat down on it before lying down. He covered his face with his hands. “I can’t believe this is actually happening.”

"Me neither." Lucy got up and went to the edge of the table where Luke had laid down. He was still covering his face from embarrassment with both of his hands, making it slightly easier for her not having to face him eye to eye. She got down on her knees and placed herself between his legs. She felt weird being in this situation. “Ready.” She said looking at Ashley.

“Okay, starting the timer... now!”

Lucy placed her hand around Luke’s cock. Her hand was cold and she felt the warmth from his dick flow trough her hand. She could also see how he reacted to her cold hand touching him by the flinching movement he made as she made contact. She started moving her hand slowly up and down and she was surprised by herself to find that she actually enjoyed this power she had over him at this moment.

“Gotta go faster Lucy.” Ashley tried to push her on. “Time is literally of the essence.”

Lucy responded by doing just that, as she increased her speed she was weirded out by how much his balls bounced along with her movement, wondering if it had to hurt whenever they bounced like that. She noticed his breath increasing in speed as she kept going, slowly increasing her speed even more and tightening her grip a little bit more as she went on. So many thoughts went through her head, she kinda wanted to do more than just stroking, just to see how he’d react. But she kept herself from doing anything more and just tried to go as fast as she could towards the end.

Ashley let out a sigh. “Time! Seems like he managed to hold out the thirty seconds after all.”

Lucy released his cock from her hand and quickly went back to her chair. She hid it from the rest of them, but she noticed that she had started to get wet herself from doing this to him.

Luke sat back up and caught his breath. Completely red in the face, avoiding eye contact with anyone, he got back in his seat and tried his best to calm down again.

“Your next then Josh.” Ashley said to move the game along.

Josh reached into the jars and drew his notes. “Strip one item, and a truth from Ashley.” He stood up and took off his pants, leaving him in his boxers and t-shirt. He then turned to Ashley to hear what question she would ask him.

Ashley gave Josh an evil but at the same time goofy look as she thought of her question. “Alright i got one. Josh, if you had the choice between having Luke give you a blowjob or you giving him one, what would you choose?”

“Uhmm...” Josh was taken by surprise by that question. “I dunno, i mean...” He looked over to Luke who looked just as confused back at him. “I guess i would receive a blowjob from him rather than give one myself if i have to choose between the two.”

“I see.” Ashley replied back. “Alright, guess it’s my turn again.”

“Can we hold that round for a bit?” Lucy interrupted. “The pizza delivery should be here soon and i have to get something ready.”

“What do you mean? Get what ready?” Ashley was confused.

“Well we can’t be there in the hallway to see you do the dare with the pizza delivery guy, so i thought we could use your laptop and watch your dare through the camera on it.” Lucy explained. “I think we would freak him or her too much out if we stood there right behind you guys just watching. And i promise we won’t use the recording, but we’ll just have a skype call going to my phone where we can see you do your dare from this room.”

“Won’t the laptop be standing next to us in the hallway be kinda suspicious?” Ashley said trying to find an excuse not to be recorded.

Thinking about it, Lucy had to agree. “You’re right. So here’s what we’ll do. We can have the laptop in here and we can watch it on that. Then we can use my phone in the hallway to record with. It’s much easier to make a phone less suspicious.”

“Fine...” Ashley said defeated.

Lucy headed out and placed the phone so that she got a good view of the hallway before heading back to the others. “Right, i’ve called you on skype now so just open your laptop and accept it, and make sure to put the microphone on mute, we don’t want to have it make any sound.”

Ashley did as she was told and she could see the hallway through the camera.

“Right, now make sure you get the pizza guy to come into the shot if anything should happen. But make sure to invite him in before you ask to give him a blowjob as payment, so that he still get’s to see you naked as we watch.” Lucy said. “If he just wants money for the pizzas and leave then that’s fine. At least you did your part. But we will see his reaction when you ask him, so don’t try to be smart and just pretend like you asked him and give the money for the pizzas.”

“You’ve really thought this through.” Ashley said surprised. “I never expected this coming from you.”

“Well you wanted this game. I’m just being a good friend and playing my part. And i hate to admit this, but i am actually enjoying this game so far.”

That last comment seemed to cheer Ashley up slightly, but before she could say anything else, the doorbell rang, the pizza was here.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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