Thread: Slave limit
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Old 07-08-2008, 03:57 AM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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A limit is a limit. I keep seeing stuff like slaves shouldn't have limits etc and it is just rediculous. Everyone has different things they don't like and this should be respected. A Dom wouldn't do something the sub wanted if they hated it so the sub shouldn't either. You have to be pretty twisted to make someone do something they hate in the first place and get a kick from it.

Anyway after my rant. Things that make the submissive uncomfortable are ok in some cases. Like if they aren't a massive fan of bondage you can get them to tie there wrist to the bed post at night. This just makes them feel slightly outside of their comfort zone it doesn't break their limits. Guess they are "soft limits" the ones you can use to punish. Kinda think making them write a letter of apology and explanation is a really good punishment as it makes them think and isn't nice to write. I've had to do them before and feel it gets the message accross a lot better. Also I feel respecting limits "soft" or hard does build a lot of trust and respect between the Dom and sub.

Limits "soft" or hard I feel should be left alone and respected by both the Dom and submissive, Doms should make their limits known as well as the sub. Sometimes dislikes can be worked on a pushed slightly by the Dominant but that is up to the individuals and should be talked over and discussed.
Have fun all!

Love you my smooch!

Last edited by Bandit|Queen; 07-08-2008 at 06:31 AM.
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