Thread: Non-Fiction: My life as a pet-girl
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Old 12-17-2023, 08:29 AM   #21
Pet Ra
getDare Devil
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Everyday life of an everyday pet

You may be interested in how someone who decided to be the pet for her husband / Master and the woman that replaced me as his wife / Mistress does spend their days.

Well, it started with the question if Master expected me to have a regular job. The answer, that he and Mistress earn enough money to provide a decent standard of living and it's not necessary that I have to get as job as well, was quite a relieve.
So I asked to have a 24/7-PTE relationship – means that I became their property, absolutely don't have any rights any more and I'm nothing else than their pet. Everything I had ever owned is now theirs, they decide what's best for me and since I wanted to be a pet (namely a dog) everything even remotely considered “human” became a privilege. But that also means they are responsible for me.

Since my Owners do not allow me to have a job it gives me plenty of time.
Time that I don't want to waste by waiting at home until my Owners come back from work. So, as I said before, during that time I'm more like a stay at home wife, even now I would prefer being addressed as "slave". Or "maid" if you want to be polite.
It doesn't matter what I'm called, important is that I'm giving my best so they don't have to lift a finger when they come home. I think that was considered normal few decades ago, the man has a job while the woman take care of the home and children if they have one. I've the feeling that since this somehow changed, society slowly went down. So, fuck feminism, embrace traditionalism.

My daily duties depend on if we have a workday or if it's weekend / holiday / vacation.
The later mostly depend on what my Owners decide, so I will focus on the workdays.

During workdays I must sleep in my dog hose in the dungeon. On the other days I can be invited to the master bedroom and sleep in my doggy bed, which first was quite regularly but now is limited to special occasions like Christmas or my birthday. So yes, mostly I sleep in my dog house.
During the week I get up at 5.30am, wash myself, brush my teeth, comp my hair (all of it) and put in my tail-plug before crawling to the master bedroom to wake up my Owners. Then I wait in the hallway to be inspected – standing straight, feet shoulder wide apart and hands behind my head.
Like this: except that I'm not standing on tiptoes.

If Master is satisfied with my appearance I will get my required morning edges. If he's not satisfied I have to turn around, feet wide apart and hands on the wall so he can punish me. Then I will get my morning edges as well, so I start my day nice wet and horny.

For the edges he stand behind me, so I can lean against him while he puts his hand between my legs to rub my clit and pussy in general. After a while he slips two fingers inside me and start massaging my insides. At the moment I'm in training to suppress my orgasm, so I have to say when I'm at the edge and then hold it while Master keeps stimulating me. I have a minute resting time between each edge – four times in total. Mistress measures the time I managed to hold each edge, if the time is to low (< 6 seconds at the moment) she will slap my cunt afterwards. During the last weeks the time I could hold my edges increased slowly but steadily. But training will get harder over time and the goal is increase it from 70 to 100 edges per week.

Normally, after being inspected and edged, I get locked into my chastity belt and get my tail back. Then I'm going prepare breakfast and set the table while Master and Mistress take a shower and get dressed. During breakfast I squat next to his chair and wait for them to eat. Sometimes Master feeds me some sausage or other food while Mistress tells him not to spoil me because dogs shouldn't be fed at the table.
But my Owners eat first and I'm not eating before they have finished breakfast. Only then I'm allowed to crawl to the feeding area next to the cabinet were I'm eating my bowl of oatmeal.

Before leaving to work Master picks out the clothes and the plug I have to wear if I have to leave the penthouse to go shopping. If there is no need to go shopping he doesn't lay out some clothes because then I'm not leaving the penthouse during the day. It's so simple that even a dumb animal like me can understand this. But under no circumstances I'm allowed to leave the house without something in my ass, so I can't forget that I'm owned all the time, even in public or when visiting my family or friends.

When they have left for work it's the part were we kinda “break protocol” because then I do the things that a normal pet won't do and it would be the task of a slave / maid. But as I said, it would be a waste of time just sitting here for ten hours doing nothing while my Owners have to cook, go grocery shopping, and clean everything when they come home from work. Otherwise it would be very boring for me and reduce the time for play in the evening.

So I'm cleaning the penthouse during my Owners absence and I got a time schedule which room has to be cleaned on which day. Housework that can be done on all fours (like the daily vacuuming and wiping all floors) must to be done on all fours.
On Monday I clean the living room, Tuesday the kitchen got a cleaning and I do some laundry, Wednesday I clean my Owners bathroom and “mine” while the Toilets are also cleaned on Monday and Friday. Thursday I tidy up the Dungeon, put some new sheets on my mattress and wash my blanket and do some laundry again. Friday I'm cleaning the masters bedroom so my Owners can start the weekend in a fresh bed and tidy room. Also it's the only day that I'm allowed to enter the room without being invited by Master or Mistress. Of course, if they had a satisfying night it could happen that I also have to change the sheets the next morning even it's not Friday.

From spring to late autumn it also part of my duties to take care of the roof garden and roof terrace. But during the week it's mostly just watering the plants while the rest we do all together - the chairs and table are way to heavy for me.
It's really fun to turn this roof in an “oasis of relaxation” every spring with the people you love and we laugh a lot while doing so. Also there's something primal about crouching naked in front of a plant pot, with your hands in the soil while growing flowers and vegetables. I really like this time of the year. Last year we've even build a box so we had our own patch of lawn, but sadly it drowned in October because of heavy rain.
During summer we spend most evenings in the roof garden and even have a whirlpool there. Of course I get quite a tan when exposed to the sun and my mother "scold" me every year because my skin got so dark (white skin is considered beautiful in Asia). Thank god she didn't noticed that I never got any tan lines in the last five years. Except for the tan lines my chastity belt leaves behind.

Every three hours I have set toilet breaks which I can use to pee. Of course I mustn't just go to the bathroom but have to inform Master about it. He can't deny it (because if a dog gotta go it gotta go) but a good dog let its owner know about its need to pee. Often he or Mistress gave me a video call so they can watch me squatting in the shower tub in “my” bathroom or, during summer in the designated “pee-area” on the roof and wash myself afterwards as good as possible the belt allows.

As said before, if necessary I go grocery shopping. Since I not allowed to own anything any more I have a credit card in my name, but it's Masters bank account and I have to show him every receipt in the evening. Of course I can buy stuff for myself but I have to ask him first and then I have to pay him back in form of getting spanked – one Euro equals one spank. I once lost a receipt over 107€ and had to pay it back in full. I never lost one again.

So if I leave the penthouse I crawl to the vestibule, remove my tail and replace it with the generously lubed plug Master decided for me. I simply push it through the anal-hole of my crotch belt into my butt. I have to lube the plug so much since I can't get it back out while belted because I can't really grab it through the hole. Then I take a picture, send it to Master to thank him for providing me clothes and owning me and get dressed.

I take the stairs down, get the shopping caddy out of the basement and walk to the supermarket. When I come back I put the caddy in the elevator and take the stairs back up. I bring the caddy inside, undress in the vestibule and bring all the goods to the kitchen. Then I go back to the vestibule, get dressed again and bring the caddy back into the basement. Afterwards I go back up, undress again and mostly it's time to prepare dinner then.
So when my Owners come home they can sit down and eat after a long day at work.

Of course the daily routines takes less than the ten hours a day my Owners are not present, so I have some time for myself which I use to browse the internet to educate myself and keep informed about what's happening in the world. This is important for Master because when we go to an event with his colleagues I will accompany him and from a man in his position they expect a smart woman on his side, not a dumb bitch. Also he's not the guy that likes this types of women and if the only thing I had to offer was my body he would be bored to death.
So, often he gives me a topic to inform myself or I have to give him a short news report about what happened during the day.

Before my Owners take the elevator to the penthouse they ring the bell downstairs, giving me enough time to crawl to the door and greet them them like the well behaved dog that I am. For this I kneel in front of the door to the vestibule and as soon as it opens I bend forward until my forehead touches the floor while slightly raising my butt at the same time. I found this position on the internet and loved it immediately. It's so wonderfully submissive and shows my devotion towards my Owners. They were quite surprised when I greeted them this way for the first time but loved it as well.
It's this one:

Master then unlocks my chastity belt, removes the plug and gives me time to wash myself down there so I'm all clean for the following inspection. Afterwards I get my tail-plug and often I get belted again.
In the meantime Mistress checks if I did my cleaning duties properly. If she is not satisfied I have time to clean while they are eating and my food will be either cold then or if nothing is left I will stay hungry. But mostly we eat dinner together because I take my duties serious. One day after cleaning the bathroom I forgot to return the wash bowl, soap and a clean towel for Mistress to clean her genital. Even I corrected my mistake immediately, I had to lick her clean for a whole week after peeing and that was a lesson to remember for me.

Of course I don't sit at the table with them and plates and cutlery are out of question for me. Although I get the same food as my Owners for dinner, the meat it's already pre-cut to fit into my bowl so I can just eat it and don't have to rip it apart like a wild animal. But as I stated above, the feeding area is off to the side, next to a big cabinet were I can't see the table and my Owners were not disgusted or annoyed by seeing me devouring my food. I have to admit, kneeling on the floor and eating from a bowl was difficult the first days, especially not using my hands. It's so degrading and dehumanizing that my cunt throbs and drips violently.
After dinner I clear the table, load the dishwasher and wash my bowl. Only then, at the very end, I can go an wash my face.

In the evening we watch TV, during summer we relax in the whirlpool or we just take a walk in the streets or in the woods.
Often we play some games in which I have to find and retrieve Mistress panties that she hid somewhere. We build a small parcour or I have to catch M&M's with my snout. Of course we do some sexual stuff as well and mostly it's dedicated to my training or just for fun. Mostly it's more fun for my Owners.
Lately we're doing some kind of “tug of war”. For this I get my golf-ball-sized anal-beads inserted in my ass and I have to tense my sphincter to keep them in while my Owners try to pull them out. This way we train the muscle there so my butt hole stays nice and tight. It can be exhausting but I feel that my butt hole got a better grip already.

Of course this hole should not only be tight but also flexible. So, later in de evening I have to do my “anal meditation” by sitting 30 minutes on my anal cone to stretch my butt hole.
First of all I get an enema so my insides are clean and I don't soil the cone. I lube it up, my butt hole as well and squat over the tip. Then I lower myself slowly until the tip touches by anus. I relax and lowering myself more, letting this nice shape carefully invading and stretching me. Mostly when the cone is halfway in I have to grab my knees to keep my hands form wandering to my nipples or clit. Often I start quivering because my denied cunt gets quite angry and sends spasm through my whole body. Mistress also loves pointing out when my plump and unshaven dark pussy starts throbbing violently.
Lately Master films me during this and it's obvious that while sitting there with my ass stretched out to the maximum my intelligence drops below zero. Like it has dripped out of that pulsating wet hole between my spread legs.
The first times I have done this in a corner, facing the wall so I could focus on my submission. Now I doing this meditation in the middle of the living room on the coffee table because I have to get used to being watched doing this shameful activity. My Owners will walk around all the time and look how my butt wrapped around the huge cone or make fun about my uncontrollably throbbing cunt. When I close my eyes I really feel like I'm on display. Sometimes I don't even realize that the time is up and my Owners just let me enjoy it for few more minutes.
After my meditation I slowly lift from the cone that forcefully kept my butt open to 10cm / 4in for the last 30 minutes. Of course my Owners then what to examinate the result so I show them my gaping butt hole before cleaning my “training utensils” and wiping the table.

Around 8pm it's time for my evening edges so I can end the day the same way I had started it, desperate and horny. Of course Mistress will check how long I can hold the edge again and punish me for the ones I couldn't hold long enough. After that we watch a movie (I love the old action film from the 80s and 90s and of course I have a thing for Disney films). Sometimes, on very rare occasions I'm allowed on the sofa, where I place my head on Masters lap and he softly caress my butt cheeks. But mostly I just sit on a pillow next to the sofa.
Around 10:30pm it's time for my night routine. I'm led to “my” bathroom (the small one attached to the dungeon) and I have the chance to empty my bowels, if not done before the anal training, but not to pee. That I have to do squatting in the shower tub and subsequently I have to stand with my feet apart and my hands pressed against the wall so Master could wash me properly. Afterwards he rubs me dry, blow-dry my hair and bring me to the bed in the dungeon to comb my hair which I absolutely love. We cuddle a bit and talk about the day.
After that Master orders me to go into my dog house. I can read a book or take my laptop to answer my PM, write my diary or simply browse the internet. Or I could just sleep, how I spend this time is up to me but have to stay in there.

So, that's my regular day and I hope you enjoyed having a small glimpse of how this well-trained pet spends it
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Last (final) orgasm: 10th January 2024 11:17pm
Now permanent denied and locked in chastity
Edges since then: 2.789

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Slave number: 22-371-646-447
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