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Old 08-09-2011, 05:45 PM   #75
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Chapter 9
Part 2

Colin immediately recoiled and prepared to punch Luke back, but Jake stepped up right in time to push him away. As Colin stumbled backward a few steps, Nick moved in and shoved Jake. He lost his footing and tumbled onto the ground. Luke grabbed Nick and slammed him into the lockers next to them. He stumbled to the side. Thomas joined the fight and knocked Luke back against the wall, pinning him there.

Meanwhile, students from the hall were already crowding around to watch the action. A few were reaching into their pockets to pull out phones and get a video.

Jake tried to push himself up off the ground but Colin kicked him right back down to floor. Nick was moving in on Luke, who was still pinned and desperately trying to get away. Just in time, a teacher from the closest classroom ran out, having heard the yelling and other noises of the fight.

“Boys! Stop right now!” She screamed, moving in between Nick and Luke. “All five of you, office immediately! Everyone else, get to class!”


Lauren was the first to hear the chanting. “Fight! Fight! Fight!” She grabbed Taylor's shoulder. “Do you hear that?”
“Holy shit. Let’s go find out what’s going on!” Taylor was already running down the hall. A crowd came into view. So did Mrs. Daly, who had just came out of her room and was beginning to shout. Taylor and Lauren slowed to a stop when they reached the back of the now dissipating group of teens.
“Wait. Is that?”
“Jake and Luke. Shit.” Taylor said and sprinted forward. Her worries were confirmed when she saw Nick, Colin, and Thomas also standing in the fight zone. This had been a homophobic crime against Jake and Luke.

Taylor had heard Luke was gay, but had the consideration not to question him about it, mostly because she knew she wouldn’t want to be asked either. She had advised Lauren to do the same.

“What the hell happened here?” Taylor fumed.
“These two fags decided to attack us.” Nick taunted.
“Hey! I said office!” Mrs. Daly directed, but Taylor didn’t care. She went up to Nick and smacked him across the face, leaving a red mark on his cheek.
“Stay out of it!” Lauren warned Taylor.
“What’s your problem bitch?” Nick said, holding his hand to the skin she had slapped. Taylor made a fist.
“You’re about to be the one with problems.”
“THAT’S IT!” Mrs. Daly was now as loud as a middle aged woman can get. “I guess I have to walk you all down!” She moved the two groups to different sides of her, Nick, Colin, and Thomas on the left, Jake, Luke, and Taylor on the right. She then escorted them downstairs to go to the principal.

Lauren was still standing there behind them, now crying. Tyler appeared out of nowhere and hugged her. “It’s okay baby. They’ll be okay.”
She cried on his shoulder for a moment then realized something. She pushed him back. “Wait, have you been here for the whole fight?”
“I came in during the middle.”
“And- and you didn’t do anything?” Lauren was taken aback.
“Well, there wasn’t not much I could-”
“Yes there was! You could have done anything to defend them! Jake is your best friend and Luke is close to you too!”
“Babe, a teacher was going to come out any second, it wasn’t worth the trouble.”
“You wouldn’t care about that! I’ve seen you get in fights before! I can’t believe you!” Lauren turned away, so incredibly angry. At Tyler, at the bullies, at Lauren’s parents, at every homophobe in the world. She ran to the girls bathroom to cry more, ignoring Tyler’s pleads for her to come back.

That was a rough chapter. It still needs one more part, but I figured you guys have waited long enough. Hopefully things will brighten up in a chapter or two.

Comment! Rate! But whatever you do, DON'T LURK!

My stories:
The Game of Bets (MxM Non-Fiction) [FINISHED]
It's About Love (LGBT Fiction) [DISCONTINUED]

If you are ages 13-16 and want to play truth or dare, ask me anything, or just talk send me a PM!

So much more than a best friend. <3


Last edited by gotdared; 08-09-2011 at 06:07 PM.
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