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Old 07-17-2011, 07:52 PM   #64
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Chapter 8

Saturday Night

Jake called Brendan right when he got home. He was pissed that Brendan had done this to someone he cared so much about. He dialed the numbers, tapping the screen hard.*

There were two and a half rings until Brendan's voice came on the other line. "Hello?"
"Why did you do it? Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."
There was a pause and a sigh before Brendan finally responded. "I was mad Jake. I'm so sorry. I wish I hadn't done it."
"You can't just take it back. You've changed Luke's life and it's too late to undo it."
"I know. I feel like shit."
"Who exactly did you tell?"
"Ally, Emma, and Christina. They asked about you... So I told them what you told me."
"Oh..." Jake realized he had caused this too. Brendan had a right to be mad, but not to take it out on Luke.*
"Well, you better do everything you can to help Luke through what you've caused for him."
"Of course. Anything he needs."
"Good. He isn't ready for this and now he has no choice."

Jake hung up. He knew he had probably really hurt Brendan. He sighed. He didn't want all this drama. He just wanted a happy relationship with Luke. Maybe it would still happen. He decided he should call Luke too, see how he was doing.*

"Hey," Jake said softly. "How is everything?"
"Hi. It's... okay. I haven't really responded to the texts."
"Luke, that's not going to help you."
"I know, but how am I supposed to tell jerks like Ryan and Colin and their whole group of asshole jocks?"
"I didnt say it was easy. But you can't just expect them to forget about it! They're going ask you in school. What are you gonna do then?"
"I have no idea."
"It'll work out."
"Yeah, but it might not end the way you'd like it to."
"I guess we'll find out on Monday."
"Yeah I guess so."

Two phone calls that had not gone well. Things were not looking good.*

Lauren's house

"Our guest room is filled with junk for our yard sale, so you can just stay in my room." Lauren said.*
"Isn't there only one bed?" Taylor questioned.*
"I have no problem sharing it with my lesbian best friend, don't worry."

Taylor smiled. Lauren and her family were being amazing. They had let her in with open arms, totally supportive. Taylor wished her parents were like that.

"I just can't thank you enough Lauren. I don't know what I'd have done without you."
"I'm happy to help. Plus, we're gonna be roomies! I know it's not the best way for that to happen, but we can try and have a good time."

Taylor already had plans for making the very best of it. She would be sleeping in the same room as her love for who knows how long. Maybe it would be time to make a move and finally figure out if things with Lauren could work. *But that wasn't worth her family being torn apart.*

My stories:
The Game of Bets (MxM Non-Fiction) [FINISHED]
It's About Love (LGBT Fiction) [DISCONTINUED]

If you are ages 13-16 and want to play truth or dare, ask me anything, or just talk send me a PM!

So much more than a best friend. <3


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