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Old 05-05-2011, 01:14 PM   #4
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Here it is, the first of many chapters. Enjoy

Chapter 1: 8th Grade

Wednesday, May 4th

The first contact sent shivers down Jake's spine. This was all he wanted, all he had been waiting for. He could feel himself automatically leaning in as Luke's hand caressed against the side of his face. Their eyes met each other before closing, faces only centimeters apart. Jake liked Luke in a way he had never felt about anyone else before. Their lips neared one another, ready for the first kiss. The kiss that Jake had been waiting for. A kiss that only happened in his dreams.

And of course, this was only a dream. The exact moment their lips touched was the same moment Jake opened his eyes. He sighed. The dreams had started about a month ago. They hadn’t stopped since. All were about guys, but mainly Luke. The two had met at the beginning of their 8th grade year, around the same time Jake had begun to question his sexuality. Befriending Luke had seemed to confirm that questioning.

From there it didn’t take Jake long to realize the fact he was gay. It wasn’t an easy thing to take in, but he knew it was true. He didn’t feel the same way about girls as he did Luke. He wasn’t in love with Luke or anything, he was just his first big guy crush. And boy was he was crushing hard.

Jake looked at his iHome alarm clock. It was 6:27. He pulled himself up out of bed and walked over to the shower, wishing his bus came later than 7 o’clock. He flipped up the hot water nozzle and stripped down while he waited for the water temperature to adjust. He looked at himself in the mirror.

His six pack was finally starting to become visible. His blonde hair was a mess now but once it was washed and dried it would look good flipped to the side and resting above his eyes. Jake liked to think that he looked at least pretty good, but he didn’t see himself as Mr. Sex Icon.

The water had warmed up and he got in. He thought about the dreams again. They had to stop. Not because he didn’t enjoy it, but because it would never happen and he needed to move on. As far as he knew, Luke was straight. Then again, Luke thought Jake was straight too. Everyone did, except for one of his best friends, Lauren. He really trusted her, and she had been very accepting of it.

He finished showering, dried off, and got changed into a pair of dark faded jeans and a light blue t-shirt. He then plugged in his headphones and was out the door, listening to My Chemical Romance’s latest album. The music was so loud he hadn’t noticed someone walking behind him until he stopped at the curb of the bus stop. Right next to him was a cute guy with short, spiked, brown hair and a plaid Hollister shirt. He looked to be the same hight as Luke, which was 5’8”, maybe just an inch or two shorter. Jake pulled out one earbud and opened his mouth.

“Hey, I haven’t seen you before.”
“Yeah, I just moved in up the street,” the boy said.
“No way? Your house is right across from mine!”

Jake had totally forgotten about the house for sale with all of the stuff going on lately. He had always hoped that a guy his age would move in, but he hadn’t actually expected it.

“Sweet! I’m Brendan by the way.”
“I’m Jake.”
They smiled at each other.
“So, what grade are you in?”
“8th, you?”
“Cool, I wonder if we have any classes together.”
“Hang on, my schedules in my pocket.”

Brendan was about to pull out the piece of paper when the bus pulled up in front of them.

“Wait till we sit down.”

They walked onto the bus and sat next to each other on one of the only empty seats left. Jake could see a few eyes checking out Brendan, but most were still to sleepy to notice him. Brendan pulled out his schedule and handed it to Jake. He looked at it, fingers crossed.

“Dude, we have almost every class together!”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I guess it’s just meant to be,” Jake said with ‘fake’ emotion. He put his hand on his heart.
Brendan laughed. “Oh yes! So what do I need to know for the first day?”

Jake gave Brendan the lowdown on their classes, which teachers to look out for, and anything else important about Swearingen Junior High. The two enjoyed talking, and didn’t stop for a second.

“I think that’s pretty much it,” Jake said. The school came into view from the window. “Perfect timing.”
“Wait I have one more question.” Brendan mumbled a bit, sounding worried.
“Sure, what is it?”
“Um, what do people here think of like... homosexuals?”
Jake’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “You’re gay?”
“Yeah, you’re not gonna freak out on me right?”
Jake tried to hold in a grin, but wasn’t totally successful. Could something this amazing really be happening?
“Not at all! I’m totally cool with it. Other people here, not so much. There’s one or two openly gay kids in the school but none in our grade. Some people support it, but most joke around and make fun of it...”
“Shit. But I guess that’s kinda how it was at my old school.”
“You’re out?”
“Yep, end of 7th grade. A bunch of my friends already knew, and I finally just did it. I guess I sorta thought other people would be and I would get a boyfriend or something, but I was wrong. I just don’t think I could go back into the closet now.”
“It’s your choice man.” Jake tried to sound casual, but his mind was about to explode. An openly gay, nice, cool, and not to mention pretty damn hot guy had moved across the street from him.

Things were about to change, he could feel it.

Yes, not the most exciting, but it'll get that way soon. Please leave comments and if you have any ideas or anything feel free to PM me!
Love you all!

My stories:
The Game of Bets (MxM Non-Fiction) [FINISHED]
It's About Love (LGBT Fiction) [DISCONTINUED]

If you are ages 13-16 and want to play truth or dare, ask me anything, or just talk send me a PM!

So much more than a best friend. <3


Last edited by gotdared; 05-09-2011 at 10:19 AM.
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