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Old 06-30-2021, 05:44 AM   #1
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Default Hypnosis Training (Via ViveHypnosis)

Introduction to the thread:

So everyone has probably seen people who have hypnosis in their likes but you will find probably half or more of those who do have it there but have never knowingly managed to trance to any files. The fantasy appeals but they often have not managed to find a way to allow themselves to slip into a nice deep trance. This is just me going to advise a few files to learn how to trance to them and a few bits of advice as well. I will also put a few suggestions about my favorite files on a few themes that you may want to check out.
(If any of the files I suggest help you or work well for you please put some feedback on Vive’s site, it is very encouraging for people to get comments about their work and I am sure sensible feedback and reviews will be appreciated by him.)

Advice for when you are trying to trance:
Be somewhere comfortable, lying down normally is best, otherwise reclining in a chair.
Make sure you won't be interrupted
Despite all the people trying to task people to do hypnosis when bound/in discomfort it's not going to work well, anything to make you less comfortable is going to make it harder to slip into a deep trance. If you can find a comfortable way to bind and trance then sure go for it but probably not until you know you can slip under nicely

Stick to using mainly just one hypnotists works better for most people. Once you get used to relaxing and going under with a particular person then you will find it much easier to keep doing so. You will automatically connect their voice with a relaxing state. By now when I hear Vive I automatically want to start slipping into a relaxed and submissive state.

Introductory Files

Enter Trance This file is one I always recommend people new to hypnosis or still wanting to get into a deeper trance listen to, all that will happen is he does a simple induction, once you are relaxed he explains trance and gives a simple suggestion before taking you back out. This lets you get more familiar with the concept of trance and getting used to it.


I tend to recommend Fractionation as a technique for effectively practicing getting into a trance state and going deeper with it. As such I would like to introduce you to Deeply Fractionated. Fractionation basically massively relaxes your mind, think of it like tensing and relaxing muscles, loosening them. Fractionation does that for your mind but with going in and out of trance. You may find yourself very relaxed and suggestible afterwards. Please also mind his warnings, don’t fractionate and then immediately go and do anything which requires you to concentrate for at least a few hours, such as driving or working.

If you enjoyed the effect that Deeply fractionated had then there is this simple Fractionation Loop.

If you enjoy the fractionation he has many themed ones such as:

Pet Fractionation Loop
Diaper Fractionation Loop
Piggy Fractionation Loop
Thing Fractionation Loop This one is a favourite of mine for feeling objectified and dehumanised
Dog Fractionation loop
Little Girl Fractionation loop is a nicely positive feminization loop. It will make you go into a girly happy and feminine mindset.
Slut Fractionation loop is perfect for those who need a little extra hand to help lower their inhibitions and help you embrace your sexual desire more. The effects last for a while but will ease off after a day or two.

Additional files for going deeper

For those among you who want to help go deep you may notice lots of files include binaural tones, Deep Binaural has him explain binaurals while you are in a relaxed state and gives a suggestion to make their effects feel stronger for you. As an additional one, if you are listening to a file and you find its effects dont agree with you then there is Deep Clean.

I personally stick to Vive’s files, he has a wide range of topics, but you are welcome to find tists who click with you more I will add as a warning there are some tists out there who are a bit less concerned with their listeners. He will have warnings on all his files letting you know what to expect. I know him personally and he is a great guy and is an incredibly trustworthy Dom. Even his more extreme humiliation files like Garbage, Ego Eraser or the Misogyny series leave you feeling empowered.

Other things: turn off notifications. Put all devices into airplane mode. Literally allow yourself to shut off. Take some me-time. And don’t make it about “gonna trance now. Gonna trance now. Gonna trance now.” but make it about “well, gonna relax now. Either it works, or it doesn’t.” learn to not stress about it, and not care about the results. Some of the conditioning files you may not notice the changes, but they are there.

This thread is mainly for me to be able to reference back to it, if you want to feel free to DM or make a note on here about particular topics of files and i will see if i can help find some for you. I only use or suggest Vive's files so I wont be linking any others

If you found this helps you, or know anyone it will help then please write a comment below/link it to them

Happy Brainwashing!
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Last edited by Simi; 07-05-2021 at 02:10 AM.
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