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Old 07-25-2020, 05:50 PM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2020
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Originally Posted by MTN016 View Post
It should maybe be more clear that you have to click the pic to strip the player. I first kept clicking the arrows because they are much more obvious.
I've added a little button around the top "Click to strip!" label. So now, you can either click the button or the picture.

maybe also an option to comment on the pictures?
Comments are in the to do list.

Maybe also sort of a semi-exposed mode, where you don't get directly exposed in the gallery, but instead your pictures get into a seperate pool.
I did have a thought on a sort of variation on this, that would actually fit pretty neatly into the code so probably won't take long to implement. This would be something like a "personalized" game, where you play a game to reveal pictures... kind of like that "create your own 2048" game that was floating around at one time. It would provide a different "exposure" mechanism, and would work something like this:

A) Player A sets up pictures showing a strip sequence, and sets up certain parameters for games.

B) After setting things up, this generates a couple of links. The first of them is a "game" llink. If Player B opens the game using this link, they will jump directly to a game of battlestrip. Every round they win, they see the next sequence of Player A's pictures. If they win the tournament, they see all of Player A's pictures.

C) Player A could, depending on what is desired, set the game up so that a camera is required or not for Player B's games. If a camera *is* required, then when playing the game, you risk being exposed to Player A. That is, if you lose, your pictures are placed in a special gallery that only Player A can see.

D) There is a second link for Player A that would allow the player to manage whether or not the game is active, see the win-loss record, and also (if cameras are required) see the pictures of who won and saw your pictures, as well as the people who lost and are now exposed for your enjoyment.

Not sure what people think of this idea, let me know if you think it's good, bad, or indifferent.
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