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Old 05-26-2018, 08:22 AM   #23
getDare Succubus
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Both girls kneel at Redford's feet, he pets the girls and grants them both permission to rise. Belle doesn't know what is going to happen next, but when she is next to Redford she feels nothing but safe. Redford asks Annie her side of the story.

"It's all my fault, I've ruined everything! I started acting moody because I was jealous of the attention Mark was giving Belle and Mark was just doing his job." Annie says as she begins to cry.

"Jealousy occurs in our lifestyle often, it is normal. Mark went beyond teaching you a lesson; none of what happened is your fault. When I recieved your application and Belle's, I couldn't turn either of you down as your loyalty to each other and friendship was something I wanted to explore and play with and I am so very sorry that Mark and I almost came in between that." Redford explained.

Belle begins to hug Annie, she hadn't even realized Annie was getting jealous. Belle looks at Redford and asks "I don't want to leave, but I'm not sure how Annie and I can carry on as nothing has happened. Annie may have feelings for Mark, and I'll forgive him for her, but I don't feel safe if you're not around.

Redford listens carefully to Belle; he also doesn't want her to leave. Redford assures the girls their safety will be top priority the rest of the summer. He orders the girls to sleep and heads downstairs to execute something he's never done at his academy.

The next morning Redford announces the cancellation of the rest of the summer season at the academy. He knows that he can't train twenty elite slaves like the previous seasons when all he wants to do is spend his time with Belle.

Redford assigns Belle and Annie to plan the largest farewell lunch and play party the academy has ever seen. The girls have unlimited resources and funds but only a few hours to make it happen.

Belle decides to make it a Hawaiian theme party. All the students at the academy recieved pineapple lingerie or boxers as a parting gift. Redford and the rest of the trainers at the academy gave every student sixty six bare handed spanks. It was a tradition before graduation ceremony for the students to receive ninety spanks for completing the ninety day training, one spank for every hard day they endured. This season was a little different as Redford didn't run the academy for the full ninety days, yet sixty six days in the summer academy the students learned more than other full seasons. Redford says goodbye individually to all the students even Annie, Bobby and Belle.

The twenty students board the jet ready to head home. The jet makes stop after stop until seventeen stops have been made. Annie, Belle and Bobby are the only three left on the jet. The jet arrives back at the academy, the three of them very confused but also excited. They leave the jet and walk back into the academy.

Redford and Mark are both standing at the door, Belle immediately grabs Annie's hand and squeezes it. Redford orders the students to head to the common room so the five of them can all talk about their futures.

"We are all equal for this talk, no one has more authority than anyone else" says Redford.

"I need to apologize to all three of you, my actions are unexcusable and I truly don't deserve any of your forgiveness; and Annie, I just need you to know how deeply I care about you. When Redford invited me back I was ashamed of my actions and completely terrified to show my vulnerability to you, but I couldn't risk never seeing you again, never having the ability to tell you how wrong I was to you and Belle and Bobby" Mark says desperately as he looks only at Annie.

Annie and Bobby accept his apology; however Belle storms out of the room. Redford chases Belle. Redford was aware that this reunion was not going to be easy on them but he needs all of them to figure out a way to get past this if his plan is going to work out. Belle explains to Redford, that she needs Mark to endure more than just having to apologize. Belle wants Mark to suffer. Belle wants him to endure a punishment as she would endure if she had done something wrong.

Redford talks to Mark privately, the conversation behind closed doors took approximately two hours before the doors were reopened. Mark has decided to agree to take a punishment scene from Belle.

Belle was not like most of the slaves at the academy, as her previous Master trained her to top and she had no problem switching. Belle agrees that after the apology he had already given and a punishment she could forgive him, however, she wanted to be promised she would never have to bottom or submit to Mark ever again. Redford assures her that Mark will never have authority over her again.

Mark strips bare and walks slowly to the cross. Belle straps him facing forward. Redford, Annie and Bobby all watching as Belle intends to violate his pride as he had done to her. Redford reminds Belle that Mark has never endured a punishment. Belle nods but doesn't indicate any chance of going easy on him.

"Blindfolds and gags help a submissive go into subspace, I don't want you in subspace. I want you to feel every hit and to feel the pain I felt as you violently fucked me." Belle says extremely calmly to Mark.

Belle grabs a thin black leather whip and with no warm up at all and no background music begins to whip Mark. The sound of the whip and loud cries and screams from Mark brought satisfaction to Belle, she didn't let her anger into the scene but she hit him hard at a level he could endure. She marked him all over his stomach and Belle instructed Mark to close his eyes, she gave him fifteen seconds to listen and he hesitated and obeyed. Belle gave one hard strike to his cock. Mark was unable to hold back tears. Belle removed the straps and Annie got up and offered him water and cuddles, Mark accepted and him and Annie walked off.

Redford and Bobby were both impressed with Belle's skill. Redford knew she had been taught but had never seen her toppy side in action. Redford, Bobby and Belle walked upstairs to Sir Redford's master bedroom. The three of them renegotiated a contract. Belle was now officially Redford's alpha slave but also his queen. She was given keys to every room at the academy and the authority of all the elite slaves that lived at Redford's castle.

Bobby accepted the role of Belle's pet. He was given his own room and much more freedom than the other slaves. Although Belle was going to have a lot of responsibility as Alpha slave to Sir Redford; she saw her responsibility as Bobby's Mistress just as great of a responsibility and was extremely happy to be his owner and Mistress.

Trainer Mark and Annie had a long talk after Mark had come down from his first and only punishment scene. Mark's ego was hurt and his pride was suffering, but knowing Annie still respected and loved him even after treating her so wrong seemed to make everything bearable. Mark and Annie decided to make their relationship official with power exchange slowly building, but for the meantime only when they were having a scene or in the bedroom.

The final day of summer has finally come. Annie, Belle and Bobby had one last decision to make; they needed to decide to make the academy their permanent home. Redford and Mark were asking a lot from them, Annie, Belle and Bobby would be far from their family, friends and school. Although the choice was not easy all three decided to move into the academy for good.

Although the summer is now over, the journeys of these three are truly just beginning.
29 Female Switch

In Relationship: With Someone Not on getDare
Sister of: CentralHigh2010

In Service to and in relationship with Just_Aiden always and forever <3

Last edited by Heart; 05-26-2018 at 12:08 PM.
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