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Old 10-18-2007, 07:23 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

She saw no one was there and didn't know what to do. She sat down in front of the door hoping they'd come back. Her mind began to drift and she went over everything that happened again. No matter how many times she reran it through her head, it still was making her incredibly horny. She unknowingly allowed her hand to drift between her legs where it started to play with her pubic hair. This eventually led to her playing with herself.

She noticed and stopped. She looked around and started getting even hornier at the thought of playing with herself in public. She then started again, and was getting into it to a point where she was moaning. Just then she saw out in the distance Jenny. Thank god she though, but she forgot about her hand that was still between her legs as she got up. Jenny walked over with an amused look as she saw Mary's hand. Mary suddenly realized what she was looking at and quickly closed her legs around her hand so to cover up.

"Wow I could swear that shirt was longer the last time I saw you." She

"I came here because I really need your help, these kids splashed me with water, and now the shirt is too short, I need some bottoms." Mary begged.

"Ok, I might, but get on the ground and beg like a puppy." Jenny said
smiling menacingly at Mary.

"But…" Mary began to argue

"Beg!" Jenny interrupted.

Mary then looked around and got on the ground and made fake puppy whining noises.

"Good, now take off the shirt." Jenny ordered.

Mary looked around and saw no one; she removed the shirt and then barked
like a puppy.

"Ah good girl, now stand up and face that way, and I'll be right back." She said as she ran into the cabin. Mary now had no choice but to stand facing out towards the other cabins. She started to cover up but Jenny yelled out “Keep your hands at your side!” Mary was scared, she was fully revealed, nipples hard, and a little bit of liquid between her thighs. She was afraid someone would come by. She looked at the old shirt on the ground, and now wished she was wearing it.

"Ok here you are." Mary said holding out a pair of panties.

Mary took them. They were yellow panties, with white polka dots. They were incredibly small; they looked like they were for an eight year old. "They are a bit small."

"Well that's a good thing, maybe they won’t supposedly fall off like your
last ones." Jenny laughed as she went back inside.

Mary instantly started to squeeze them on. They were easily stuck about mid thigh. She tried and tired and was eventually able to pull them as far as they could. They left about ¼ of her butt crack exposed, and just the tip of her pubic hair. Also due to their tightness they ran up her butt crack, and they dug into her pussy lips giving her camel toe. She tried adjusting it better, but that's as good as she could get it. Jenny then returned with another shirt.

"Before you beg again, here take a new shirt, I know you'd have a problem with the other.”

Mary thanked Jenny and put on the shirt. It only came down to about a half an inch above the bottom of the camel toe. She was happy though since now the whole bathing suit thing will work now. "Ok now go off before I take any of it back." Jenny said as she locked the cabin and walked off in the opposite direction Mary had to go.

Mary now headed for the baseball field, hungry. She really couldn't wait for lunch, but now was the time for the next part of the day. Luckily she was able to hear what it was. All she had to do was take the kids on a scavenger hunt. She got to the field as the kids were coming back from breakfast.

"Hey look who it is, miss no bottoms." one of the kids mocked

"Is that shirt different?" one asked.

Just then one of the kids came behind her lifted the shirt up. The kids
seemed shocked, but Mary wasn't sure if it was because of lifting up of the shirt, or the fact she had bottoms. "Well looks like she has put something on." the kid said as he continued to hold up the shirt.

"Well I guess you could call them bottoms, they are so small. They look like little girl panties!" One of the girls commented.

"Stop that now!" Mary snapped as she pulled the shirt down. "And it's a
bathing suit, not panties."

"Well they're still small. Guys did you see, you could see her butt crack." The boy who lifted her shirt said.

"Yeah and you could see her bush too!" one of the girls said.

"I gotta see that" The one boy said as he lifted the shirt again, this time he was in front though. "Man those things look tight."

"I said stop, I will turn you into the counselor!" Mary said pulling the
shirt down again.

"What, it's just your bikini bottoms, right?" the boy argued.

"Look we have to get going, we want to finish before lunch." Mary said as she led them to a path. She went over what they had to do. Some of them listened to the instructions, but the rest continued to mock her as they pulled up the shirt. Then Mary heard some of the girls mentioning something about a wet spot. She then realized that her horniness was probably soaking the front of the panties.

She quickly felt them and she knew they were wet. She then thought about the fact they were a pale yellow color, and for all she knew they might be see-through too. She thought that at the least they were now completely form fitting, and probably showed every detail. She now walked with her hands in front of her to cover it up. Then one of the kids started lifting the shirt really high up in the back. He was going on about how if her bottoms were this small imagine the top. Mary knew she didn't have a top so tried to stop him, but it was too late. The kids had gotten the shirt high enough to tell there was nothing there.

"Oh someone has been naughty." One of the girls mocked her. Mary pulled the shirt down. She was now really red in the face, but she also became even hornier.

"Well we should turn her in, but instead, I think we should make a deal. You give us the shirt, we wont tell anyone and we'll give it back to you once we are done here."

Mary just stood there, mouth opened wide. She would be left walking in only panties again, but this time it would be with a group of kids and the panties were incredibly tight. She knew it would be a lot worse having them tell the counselors so she slowly lifted the shirt. All eyes were on her as she got the shirt to the bottom of her breast.

She held the shirt there for a second. She hesitated but quickly pulled the shirt off. She threw it at the kids and quickly covered up her breast. The kids laughed as they circled her. She noticed they were staring down at her pussy now, which she was no longer covering. She then covered her showing pubic hair and wet spot with one hand, her breast with the other. This allowed kids full view of her backside.

Mary now was being led through the woods by a group of boys and girls almost fully naked, yet she only got hornier and hornier. The boys would give her light spanks when she wasn't looking, the girls were always giggling when they looked at her. Mary couldn't stand it, she wanted to run, but they had her shirt, and she would just have to hold out till lunch.

The boys begged her to let them peak. The tried pulling at her hands, but she was fast to move away. They then started to play with the waistband of her panties. They kept tugging it down in the back, showing more and more of her butt. She would then have to show off her wet spot in front to adjust them, but they were immediately pulled down again. She was worried they might fully take them off. She asked if they stopped touching her she would uncover her breast. The boys quickly agreed as Mary moved her hand away front her breast. The kids stayed true to their word and they never touched her again, but stared plenty at her hard nipples.

They soon ended their duties and it was time for lunch. Mary was able to put her shirt back on. Mary was glad it was over and was ready for some food when Julie happened to walk by. She reminded her it was time to meet back at the cabin first. Mary was saddened she couldn't eat, but maybe they would be nice and give her something better to wear. As they walked back the amount of people decreased and as they saw no one, Julie asked Mary to remove the shirt. Mary did so hoping not to run into anyone.
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