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Old 10-18-2007, 07:19 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420
Default Mary's Naked Camp Adventure [FICTION]

Read the completed story with no comments here.

Please do tell me what you think of this story. It is the first work of Fiction I've ever done, and hope it's decent.

Mary woke up ready for a fun day. It was 5:30 and the sun was just starting to rise on what would surely be a beautiful day. It was summer vacation and she took a summer job. She was at a summer camp acting as a junior counselor. Her duties were to go along with the senior counselors and do any tasks that needed done. She was having a good time, much better than being a junior in high school. Now her work was watching the kids, getting supplies, and raising and lowering the flags. It was an easy and fun job. Not the best of pay, but she liked it.

She was getting her stuff together so she could get to the showers before most of the campers woke up. She always liked to get up early and didn’t like to deal with crowded bathrooms and such. She saw her two friends, Julie and Jenny, sleeping still. She thought about waking them, but they usually get annoyed with wake up calls, so she left for the showers alone. As she walked through the camp she saw that everyone must still be asleep. She hadn’t had a chance to have a nice shower for a while, but today she thought she would be able to take her time.

She got to the showers and went inside. No one was there so she quickly disrobed and put her stuff on a bench. She walked into the showers and turned the water on. It was extremely cold not being used yet, but it eventually warmed up. She spent a good 15 minutes there. She rinsed off and walked over to where she had her towel and other supplies. She dried and combed her hair until she felt she was good to go for the day. She went to go get her clothes but couldn’t find them. She didn’t see them on the bench and started to look around panicked. She couldn’t remember anyone coming in, and she couldn’t find anything. Not her shirt, her pants, her underwear, not even her shoes. She figured that it must be some kind of prank, but who
would be up this early? She put away all thoughts of blame now though, since she had to think of a way back to her cabin. She decided to put her supplies away to get later, and use her towel to cover. Hopefully no one would see, and if they did it wouldn’t be too bad, she would be mostly covered.

She wrapped the towel around her tightly and went in front of the door. It was almost 6:00 now but the campers didn’t have to be up ‘til 7:00, so most people wouldn’t be up, she hoped. She opened the door and walked out. The air was cold compared to what it felt like when she was dressed. Her towel was still damp from drying off, and she wasn’t fully dried either. She quickly walked through the camp. As she ran, she suddenly felt her towel get pulled away. Since she was moving pretty fast, it took a few steps to stop. As soon as she did she gasped and crouched down and curled up. She then looked around and saw no one had seen her. She stood up and covered up her breast and pussy with her arms. She saw the towel stuck to a branch coming out of a bush. She made sure no one was around and walked over to the bush. As she walked she noticed her nipples were becoming quite hard. She also felt an adrenaline rush. She was outside, naked, fully and completely naked. She then decided to uncover herself. She stopped and started to walk back and fourth. The feel of the air and sun on places it didn’t normally touch felt great. Soon though she got nervous. She quickly went over to her towel and wrapped it around herself.

She soon arrived at her cabin, relieved to finally get this ordeal over with. She ran up to the door to go inside, but found it was locked. She tried and tried, but it wouldn’t open. She then started pounding on it, hoping to get her friend’s attention. Then from around the corner of the cabin came Jenny. She laughed at Mary, since Mary jumped like a foot high.

“Hey, what are you doing in just a towel Mary?” Jenny asked.

“Oh it’s horrible, someone stole my clothes at the showers, and now I can’t get in; you have a key right?” Mary asked a bit panicky.

“Oh stole your clothes, that’s horrible, they didn’t happen to look like these?” Jenny asked as she revealed Mary’s clothes from behind her back.

“You mean you did it? Please give them back!” Mary burst out as she jumped toward Jenny. Jenny just moved back and watched as Mary’s towel fell to the ground.

“Ah ah ah. Don’t be so impatient, don’t want to loose all you have, do you?” Jenny laughed. She then held out Jenny’s panties. “Well, you want these right? Get dressed then.”

“Can’t we go inside first?” Mary pleaded as she quickly put her towel back on.

“Oh so you don’t want them, fine then.” Jenny said acting all offended.

“Oh wait, please don’t.” Mary begged as she reached her hand out for the panties. She looked around and then let go of the towel, letting it fall to her feet. She just had one of her legs in a hole when Jenny suddenly ran up to her towel, took it, and ran into the now open door, with Julie standing there. Mary was shocked and stopped putting the panties on so she could run for cover, but it was no use. They were faster and had closed the door before she got there. “Hey let me in!” She yelled at she pounded at the door. She then realized she was standing naked in front of the door with her panties down at her left foot. She quickly put on her panties and used one arm to cover her breast. “Please let me in!” She said loud enough for them to hear, but not too loud.

Julie then opened a window and called her over. “Hey, if you want more to wear, take this bucket and fill it with water from the lake and come back here with it.” She said as she passed out a bucket and some shoes and socks.

“Please don’t do this to me. Someone is going to see me like this and I’ll be in huge trouble!” Mary exclaimed.

“Also make sure the bucket is full.” Julie said as if she didn’t hear what Mary had just exclaimed.

“Please!” Mary exclaimed again, now using the bucket to cover up.

“Well if you hurry, you can get back before the campers are up.” Jenny laughed as they closed the window.

Mary now headed off onto the nearby path. She was really scared. Who knew what would happen to her. She was now walking down a forest path in only her panties, and a bucket to cover her breast. Not all was bad though, or at least in a way. Her nipples were hard again, but Mary didn’t really like it fully. Sure it felt nice and all, but she wasn’t sure why she was.

She was jumping off the path to hide every minute. She was pretty nervous. Then the worst possible thing happened, as she jumped off the path she fell into a bush. She sat there waiting to see if anyone was there, but she heard no one. As she got up her panties were pulled down to her kneecaps. They had snagged on the bush, and now were stuck. She tried to get them loose, but soon she got tangled in the bush and the panties constricted her leg movement. She now fell again, but this time the panties tore. They were still on her, but now in the back a chunk was missing. This made it so you could see half her crack, and to make it worse, the elastic was broken. She tried pulling them up, but they would always fall due to the broken elastic. She now had to hold them up, and carry the bucket.

She now headed out of the forest and to the lake. She looked and saw one of the counselors at the beach part of it. She now had to keep her distance, or she would be caught. Since she couldn’t go up to the shore, she had to reach over the side. This was difficult since the water a good foot or two from the edge. She tried bending down, and dipping the bucket in, but when she tried pulling it up it was too heavy. She tried to pull it out, but she just couldn’t. Then, she started to slip. She tried to stay up but it was no use. She fell in the water with a big splash. She got her head above the surface. She was able to stand luckily, and she wasn’t hurt. The guy on the beach hadn’t seen her so she was relatively safe. She got the bucket of water out and then was going to get out herself when she noticed her panties were around her ankles. She pulled herself out of the water and luckily didn’t loose the panties. Now though she had a new problem. The bucket was so heavy she need two hands, and only then she could hold it up only a little off the ground. This meant that she couldn’t cover her breast or hold up the panties. Also now the panties were wet, so they weren’t going to be able to cover much anyways. She left her panties on the ground there, and went back to the trail, now completely nude, except for her shoes.

She was really afraid at this point; she couldn’t really hide quickly anymore. The bucket was too heavy, and she didn’t have time to refill it if she spilled it. She would feel a lot better about this if she still had her panties.

Last edited by BettyBoop; 01-06-2011 at 08:17 AM.
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