Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] Prison Island
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Old 11-01-2014, 03:16 AM   #7
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Again sorry about the length. This is still one of the chapters i had ready before i started posting. I'll probably add one more in a few hours to make up for it. And i really want to thank everyone who read it and commented. Gives me a lot more motivation seeing that someone likes it ^^

Chapter 6

"I wanna try the tournament. What's there to lose? If i have to stay here for five years and get out with no memories, then what good is it, at least i should keep trying till i actually get out?" Ruby asked, looking back at Kate.

Kate leaned her back to the wall and looked up. "I can't say much about it, but it's not as black and white as you think. I won't stop you from entering, and you can do that next Monday, after you've been here for a week. Your timing is pretty lucky if you actually want to participate in it, as the monthly tournament happens exactly a week after tomorrow."

Ruby was very curious now on just what kind of tournament this was, seeing how Kate was acting. But she realized she had to let it go seeing as she couldn't talk about it anyway.
  "So about tomorrow then, what sort of jobs do we do here?"
  "I won’t say specifics before tomorrow since it’s easier for me to explain to everyone at the same time, you are placed in my group for your first day so i'll be there for questions and stuff and i will give a quick briefing to all the new ones before we start. But it's not like anything you would think of. Just make sure to follow instructions and don't refuse to do your tasks and everything should be fine."
  "I see..." Ruby said still trying to figure out what it could be.
Ruby kept asking Kate a bunch of other small questions about the place until the lights went out and they had to call it a night. Kate told Ruby that talking was not allowed after the lights was out as she climbed back up in her bed. Ruby then laid down in her own bed trying to get some sleep before starting her first day in her new life in prison the next morning.
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